Venus of Hohle Fels

Image copyright H. Jensen / Universität Tübingen

Image copyright H. Jensen / Universität Tübingen

Welcome, this is our very first Triweekly Review. I am very excited for what is in store over the next few months. If you do not know what I am on about, please read the Triweekly Review introduction post by clicking here.

As this is the first time we are collectively reviewing something I felt it apt to start at the beginning with the ‘Venus of Hohle Fels’ also known as ‘Venus of Schelklingen’.

The ‘Venus of Hohle Fels’ was found in south-western German and dates back to 38,000 BCE. It is 2.5 Inches (6cm) tall and is made from mammoth ivory. The Venus is the oldest sculpture in the world.

I think this is a good opportunity to not only discuss the human need to make art but also how and why we consider particular things art and others not. Is this little sculpture art? Was it intended to be art when it was made? Why do we put so much value in old creations?

In the comments section down below I invite you to add your own thoughts in regards to these questions and of Venus.

In the second week of the review I will also be adding my opinions to the comments section. And, in week three be sure to follow our social media platforms @Round__Lemon (double underscore!) to see all of the artistic responses.

See you then. 😊


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