The First Freshest Lemon


Congratulations Angela!!

Here it is, our first freshest lemon - An amazing hedgehog!🍋🦔

Your ‘I’m the freshest lemon’ badge is on its way to you.


If you are wanting to get your hands on one of our adorable freshest lemon button badges then post your decorative lemons with the hashtag #FreshestLemon for your chance to win!

To find out more click here.


Here is a couple of other #FreshestLemon examples from our very own team;


P.S. Thank you Mom! You may be the only person to enter this week but you 100% deserve more than just a badge for all of your support for Round Lemon and the whopping £9.50 you spent to make your hedgehog. 😜 xx


Venus of Hohle Fels


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