Spreading creative joy and empowering emerging creatives

About Us

At Round Lemon ,we run creative projects and provide resources for emerging creatives.

We care about emerging artists, collaborating with others and encouraging creativity through learning.

Our most notable projects include The Gender Gap workshops and talks in collaboration with the Barber Institute, and the Birmingham Billboard commission in collaboration with Arts Council Collection and Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.

The Team

  • Andreea Pislaru



    Andreea is Round Lemon’s Exhibition marvel, responsible for the assembly of Round Lemon’s exhibitions and publications. She’s your go-to contact if you’re submitting your work, or have any questions about our Open Calls.

    Utterly obsessed with cats, Andreea is also interested in the body and silicone sculpture. She holds an MFA in Fine Art and works in Biomodels Manufacturing research at Nottingham Trent University. Meow.

  • Bethan Jayne​​ 



    Bethan is Round Lemon’s finest people queen, responsible for everything social media and important email enquiries. If you have a burning question to ask about Round Lemon Opportunities or Events, she’s your girl.

    Bethan is a Lichfield/Birmingham based artist. Using a combination of both painting and sculpture, she depicts real life events which really happened (with maybe a slight hint of absurd humour). Bethan is also the Community Manager for Zealous, where she runs opportunities, creates public programmes, and works with numerous creatives and organisations.

  • Carmela Vienna



    Carmela is Round Lemon’s literature wizard, sprinkling her magic into every application and proposal that makes Round Lemon possible. She is super organised, and can answer any questions you might have.

    Carmela is a Marketing Coordinator for Zealous, Trustee and Oversight Group member of The New Art Gallery Walsall, and Freestyle Dance Teacher. Her affinity lies in colliding the worlds of social media and art, and loves coordinating meaningful creative projects. With an affinity for Women Artists and Gallery Settings, Carmela is also a visitor assistant at the Barber Institute of Fine Art.

Work with Us

Want to hire us to deliver a workshop or collaborate on a meaningful project?

Find out more here.