I bring my view on the affections and bonds that are an intrinsic part of existence and the exploration of my own inner issues, feelings, and uneasiness.
— Barbara Ramos

Bárbara’s works explore the relationships between the corporeal, mental and spiritual. Through materiality, she brings to life the symbolic and subconscious content of her mind about the human experience. The artist investigates the contrast between the real and the imaginary, light and dark, the dreamlike and the non-place. Her creatures are a pure expression of existence without any baggage or influence from the material world. Thus, the connection between them is the only thing that remains so strong that they become one.

 Bárbara’s residency solo show ‘Retratos do Intrínseco’ (Portraits of the Intrinsic) is an invitation to explore the subtlety of what it means to be a human being, both in our lights and shadows, with an emphasis on the connection to one another.

'Retratos do Intrínseco' was hosted on Spatial.